PIA infrastructure funding course 2024 – making contributions great again!

26 JULY 2024

GLN Planning had the great privilege of hosting the NSW Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) Infrastructure Funding and Delivery webinar on 23 and 25 July 2024.

We had a large audience who were treated to insightful presentations and discussions from:

  • City of Sydney – Greg Longmuir and Brett Calear
  • Mitchell Brandtman – Matthew Kritzler
  • Atlas Economics – Esther Cheong
  • Holding Redlich – Thomas Kwok
  • Cred Consulting – Sarah Reilly
  • Camden Council – Ben Richards
  • GLN Planning – Peter McKenna, Jonathon Carle and Greg New

Speakers’ presentations can be downloaded below.

A huge thanks to our guest presenters, attendees and PIA.

    GLN Planning – Contributions Fundamentals

    City of Sydney – Planning Agreements

    Mitchell Brandtman – Infrastructure Costs

    GLN Planning – Holistic Infrastructure Funding

    Atlas Economics – Contributions & Feasibility

    Cred Consulting – Social Infrastructure Needs Studies

    Camden Council – Complying Development Contributions